My wind turbine is finally here! Here is how it was assembled.
First lets start with the foundation that was poured back in October.
Seven months later, the parts arrive on site.
Here is the monster excavator that we were waiting for. Rodney (my installer) had it, but just couldn’t get it delivered. It is not easy task moving a monster piece of equipment like that and it takes a monster piece of equipment to pick up these tower parts.
Here are the stats on the tower model TA-24M-5/10
Tower weight 59,000 kg Or 13,006 lbs
ASTM A572 GR60
Patent Pending No.61/178,682
Galvanized Standard ASTM A123
Max Wind Rated speed 44.7 M/S or 100 MPH
Rated wind speed with 1” of ice 17.88 M/S or 40 MPH
2900 PSI Nominal Hydraulic Pressure
3300 PSI Hydraulic Pressure Max
I was very relieved when the holes lined up.
The first of three sections
The pin holds it in place
Second piece lines up
The last piece goes on the tower
Installer shimmys out to unchain the last section
Yaw gears that keep the turbine point into the wind
Turbine mounted to the tower
Anemometer is installed on top with lighting rod at the tip
This 10KW turbine looks very similar to the old 20KW Redriven
I've posted a video on youtube. The making of a Redriven wind turbine
A few weeks later we got the cover and the blades.