Thursday, December 29, 2011

Decembers Results

Like the snow,  the wind is not coming this year.  So again not much power made. (see the chart below)

For the month we made 606KWH. Mistake -Sorry 320KWH

My husband was able to down load the latest long board and user interface code. Now Redriven can download code remotely to the tower, long board.  We have seen them do this several times - there is a warning on the main screen when it is getting a remote download.   We are now on version 356 according to windveiw.   Also since my last blog - Redriven had my husband change the Inverter numbers and they now read on windview.  Next windy day, I'll give you a screen shot on how that looks.

We had a problem with a rattle noise - we thought were the breaks. That rattling noise has stopped coming as frequently, but now there is an increasing loud vibration noise. It  sounds like a plane is landing in our yard.  Does anyone else have noise like that when the wind gets blowing hard?


  1. check the 2 retainer nuts that hold the blade flange tight to the conical shaft.
    the threads are standard clockwise threads and will have a tendency to cause the retainer nuts to loosen with a clockwise rotating turbine.
    This can cause a shuddering grinding noise or worse yet, the whole blade assembly could come off.

  2. I have heard the same noise you described...sounds like worn out brakes. I have spoken with Scott and I will let you know if I find out anything
