At least the results for the Month for May are easy to calculate. 0 minutes of up time 0 KWH.
One good thing, my turbine was on the ground for the big wind storm that passed through two days ago. My local weather station is not showing up on the weather underground site. I wonder if the wind took down their anemometer tower. I hope they come back on line, it was great having that very local wind speed reference.
Hopefully, Redriven will be here soon to program the new equipment so I'll have have some results for June.
i just spoke to Lisa from Redriven today. Looks like things are coming along. Programming is coming along and also the turbines manufacturing part is also going smooth. Hang in there! Here's my personal email if you want to contact me. . Iam a redriven client, I also have a 10 kw system. take care