The wind was abysmal this month. With the exception of a few good days, there wasn’t much wind at all. The average wind speed for the month was a mere 3.3 mph. The wind turbine just breaks even in that range. This month, all the blame should be placed on Mother Nature. The wind turbine was ready to go but with no wind , it couldn’t produce.
September 13 was the exception for the month the new best day ever but it couldn't make up for a lackluster beginning and end to the month.
This month we made a total of 69KWH.
Wind Sept 2011 |
ReplyDeleteYour post brings up some great points for anyone considering purchasing a wind turbine for their home. My experience has been that many buyers make their purchase decision based upon their personal observations; it feels windy…these observations are often unduly influenced by gusts. Consistent winds are a turbines best friend.