Sunday, January 15, 2012

Wind Turbine Popped it's Lid

After a very windy day, we noticed that the wind turbine popped it's lid.  So in the bitter cold we had to take it down one more time.  We think it popped because of the vibration caused by the loose hub. Redriven still hasn't come and we don't have the socket to tighten it ourselves.  It would be best to turn the yaw break on and take it down face up.  We don't know how to do that trick or if it is even possible with the newest software.  REDRIVEN we need a Tech!

1 comment:

  1. I think if I was operating Redriven I would stick to manufacturing only the Towers and drop the turbine.
    The tower is a great design and from your posts I believe it works well, Far better than anything else on the market.
    They could adapt the tower to all the major small wind turbine manufacturers and for other devices that need towers(i.e. cell towers).They would sell!
    I know from experience with other manufacturers that most small wind turbines have constant issues and is a tough business to be in.

    Small wind doesn't work yet, I would love to hear one success story.
    Solar PV is a best choice, Period. I have never had an issue with 250kw of installs.
