Saturday, July 25, 2009

Still waiting to get the price of the Redriven 100 or 120ft tower

I'm still waiting for the price for the 100 and 120 foot towers. On June 4th, Rodney said he would have the price in a week or so Does anyone know of anyone that has gotten a price for the 100 or 120 foot tower for the 10K? At some point, I'm going to have to just go with 80' . I can't wait for ever to see if I might be able to afford a higher tower.

1 comment:

  1. A hydraulic raised 120' tower with a 10KW generator on top would require tremendous loads to be placed on the actuators and hinge and lower tower sections. Are you ready to be in the testing business? My guess is that you will be the first customer. If you go that route, I would suggest you request an engineering analysis showing the design has a significant safety factor built in.
